Written by: Suzie Walker



Time to read 8 min

When starting out on keto, it can be hard to get enough high-fat keto foods in your diet.

Fat is essential for reaching and maintaining ketosis, and getting the right foods in your fridge is your first step to success.

But how much fat do you need to eat on keto? What are the best sources of fat? And how can you add more fat to your meals and snacks without going overboard on protein or carbs?

Don’t worry, The Keto Collective has you covered!

We’ll answer all these questions and more in this article, where we’ll share with you our top 8 high-fat keto foods that you MUST include in your diet.

Can You Reach Ketosis Without Eating Fat?

Yes, after periods of not eating (fasting), your body will enter Ketosis. 

However, while we think intermittent fasting has its place in a healthy lifestyle, you will eventually need to start eating again!

The Keto Diet IS NOT a starvation diet. You need to eat fat on the Keto Diet.

Can you sustain ketosis without consuming fat? The answer is no!

Ketones are produced from the breakdown of fatty acids in your liver. If you don't eat enough fat or have enough fat already in your body to use for fuel, your liver won't have enough fatty acids to make ketones.

At that point, you're just starving yourself. And that is unhealthy and unsustainable.

What Happens If I Don’t Eat Enough Fat On Keto?

Trust us, you need to keep your fats high on the keto diet. You will feel much better by upping your fats as soon as you start the diet.

It may seem alien and counterintuitive for those brainwashed by the 'low-fat' products that seemed to be all over the place in the 80s and 90s. But things have changed.

High fat no longer means unhealthy! So trust us, and keep your fats high!

If you don’t eat enough fat on keto, you may experience some negative consequences such as:

  • Hunger and cravings: Can't stop thinking of carbs? Fat is very satiating and helps keep your blood sugar stable. If you don’t eat enough fat, you may feel hungry more often and crave carbs and sugar.

  • Low energy and mood: Feeling sluggish? Fat is fuel for your brain and body on keto. If you don’t eat enough fat, you may feel tired, sluggish, irritable, or depressed.

  • Muscle loss: Fat helps preserve your muscle mass by sparing protein from being used for energy. If you don’t eat enough fat, you may lose some muscle along with fat.

  • Hormonal imbalance: Fat is involved in the production and regulation of many hormones in your body. If you don’t eat enough fat, you may disrupt your hormonal balance and cause issues such as low libido, infertility, hair loss, or acne.

  • Poor digestion: Fat helps lubricate your digestive system and stimulate bile production. If you don’t eat enough fat, you may suffer from constipation, bloating, or those dreaded gallstones! And you don't want to deal with those!
nuts and high fat foods

Top 8 High Fat Keto Foods List

Now that you know how important it is to eat more fat on keto, let’s take a look at our top 8 high-fat keto foods. If possible, you should include all of these foods in your diet. These foods are not only high in fat, but also low in carbs and high in other nutrients that can benefit your health while living in ketosis.


Avocados are a staple keto food because they are rich in healthy monounsaturated and high in fiber, potassium, magnesium, vitamin C, vitamin E, vitamin K, and folate.
They can help you feel full for longer and prevent constipation.

Avocados are incredibly versatile for numerous recipes, from homemade guacamole to chocolate mousse!

Nutritional Info (Per 100g)

  • Calories: 160
  • Total Fat: 140g
  • Total Carbohydrate: 8.5g
  • Dietary Fiber: 7g
  • Sugars: 0.7g
  • Protein: 2g
avocados on keto


Wild-caught fish are another great keto food because they are high in omega-3 fatty acids, protein, selenium, iodine, vitamin B12, and vitamin D. They can help you maintain your muscle mass and support your thyroid health.

Check out the freezer sections in the supermarket for Wild Alaskan Salmon Fillets. 

Nutritional Info (Per 100g of Salmon)

  • Calories: 206
  • Total Fat: 14g
  • Total Carbohydrate: 0g
  • Dietary Fiber: 0g
  • Sugars: 0g
  • Protein: 22g
wild-caught fish on keto



Free-range eggs are a keto must because of their versatility and nutritional content. They can help you boost your metabolism, support your liver function, and improve your skin and hair health. 

Probably nature's perfect food, not only packed with healthy fats but also one of the best sources of protein. 

  • Calories: 143
  • Total Fat: 9.5g
  • Total Carbohydrate: 0.7g
  • Dietary Fiber: 0g
  • Sugars: 0.3g
  • Protein: 13g


Grass-fed meat and bone broths are excellent sources of fat and protein. They can also help you build and repair your muscles and bones while supporting your immune system. Stick to fatty meats like Beef and Lamb.

Ideally, Buy Grass-fed and Organic Beef if your budget can stretch!

Beef (Cooked Lean Cut, Per 100g):

  • Calories: 250
  • Total Fat: 17.9g
  • Total Carbohydrate: 0g
  • Dietary Fiber: 0g
  • Sugars: 0g
  • Protein: 25.8g


Nuts and seeds are high in fat and low in carbs. They can help you lower your blood pressure, improve your blood sugar control, and protect your cells from oxidative stress.

Enjoy almonds, macadamias, and pecans in their full form as a nut butter spread.  If drinking Nut/Seed milk be sure to look for those that are free of any additives & hidden sugars!

Almonds Nutritional Info (per 100g)

  • Calories: 579
  • Total Fat: 50g
  • Total Carbohydrate: 21g
  • Dietary Fiber: 12.5g
  • Sugars: 4g
  • Protein: 21g


Ghee and butter are pure sources of fat that can enhance the flavor and texture of your keto meals and can help you improve your gut health, reduce inflammation, and increase your ketone production.

Always opt for the grass-fed varieties. They're higher in Vitamins A & D and it's better to cook with! 

  • Calories: 720
  • Total Fat: 82g
  • Total Carbohydrate: 0.07g
  • Dietary Fiber: 0g
  • Sugars: 0.07g
  • Protein: 0.9g


Coconut is a versatile keto food that can provide you with different types of fat and other nutrients that support your thyroid function, and fight off infections. Coconut oil is a must on the Keto Diet!

No Keto Food List would be complete without the coconut.  High is MCT fats and antiviral properties, prepare to see a lot of this amazing food!

Dried Coconut Nutritional Info (Per 100g)

  • Calories: 660
  • Total Fat: 64.53g
  • Total Carbohydrate: 23.67g
  • Dietary Fiber: 16.3g
  • Sugars: 6.23g
  • Protein: 6.92g


Olives and olive oil are keto-friendly foods that are high in healthy monounsaturated fats that can lower your cholesterol levels and improve your insulin sensitivity. 

A great addition to any salad, olive oil is best served cold and not heated in a frying pan. 

Olive Oil Nutritional Info (Per 100ml)

  • Calories: 880
  • Total Fat: 100g
  • Total Carbohydrate: 0g
  • Dietary Fiber: 0g
  • Sugars: 0g
  • Protein: 0g


These Keto Cookies are a great way to enjoy the guilt-free taste of a sweet treat without having to worry about the carbs! 

They are Gluten-free, High in Gut-Friendly Fiber, Made with No Artificial Sweeteners, and are SUPER Tasty!

Nutrition Per 30g Cookie

  • Calories 151k
  • Fat 12.9g
  • Carbohydrates 1.7g
  • Sugars 1.3g
  • Fibre 7.5g
  • Protein 3.1g

How Do You Eat Extra Fat On Keto?

It can be a shock to the system when starting the keto diet. You've probably never eaten as much fat in your life!

If you're struggling with fat on keto, here are some Keto Collective tips and tricks to help you increase your fat intake without adding carbs:

  • Add Healthy Oils To Your Salads: You can use olive oil, avocado oil, coconut oil, MCT oil, or nut oils. Just make sure to measure them carefully and don't go overboard. You don't want to eat beyond your daily macros!

  • Use Butter Or Ghee To Cook Your Eggs, Meat, and Veg: Make sure not to accidentally buy 'Reduced Fat' butter. That stuff is terrible for you! You can add Butter or Ghee to your coffee or tea for a creamy and satisfying drink. Bullet-proof coffee anyone?

  • Eat Fatty Cuts Of Meat:  Eyeing up that Ribeye steak? Go ahead, enjoy it! Pork belly and lamb chops are now your friends. You can even experiment with organ meats such as liver or kidney for extra nutrients. Don't go crazy on bacon though, it's still terribly unhealthy, regardless of if you are on keto or not!

  • Eat Fatty Fish: Salmon, tuna, mackerel, sardines, or herring are all great choices on keto. You can also eat shellfish such as shrimp, crab, lobster, or oysters. If you are not a fish eater, make sure to take fish oil capsules on a daily basis!

  • Snack on nuts and seeds: Almonds, walnuts, pecans, macadamia nuts, pistachios? All good on keto. You can also make nut butter or milk with these ingredients or eat them as the ultimate natural keto snack.

  • Get creative with avocados: You can make guacamole or add it to your salads or sandwiches. You can even use them to bulk out smoothies with healthy fats, or turn them into delicious chocolate mousse!

  • Eat coconut products: Yes, coconuts are keto and are such a versatile ingredient when on the diet. Coconut milk, coconut cream, coconut oil, coconut butter, or shredded coconut can be used to make keto-friendly desserts or it can be enjoyed in its raw form.

These are just some ways that you can eat more fat while on keto without compromising your macros or your health.

Of course, you have got to be careful not to over-eat, even on keto! Measure your ingredients out, and get a feel for how many calories and grams of fat are in each serving. After a few weeks, you should have a good idea of what is the perfect meal or snack size for you.

Finally... On High Fat Keto Foods

Eating enough fat is essential for reaching ketosis safely and staying healthy.

Remember, the Keto Diet is not a starvation diet! 

If you are to be successful in living the keto lifestyle, you must be prepared to up your intake of fats to a level you probably never thought could be healthy, especially in the 'low-fat' decades of the 80s and 90s. 

You should choose natural, unprocessed, and high-quality fats that can provide you with various benefits and nutrients.

Some of the best fats for keto are avocados, wild-caught fish, free-range eggs, grass-fed meat, and nuts and seeds.

You can also make your own keto-friendly products such as nut butter, nut milk, bone broths, or desserts with these ingredients.

By eating enough fat on keto, you will improve your chances of improving your health and well-being in the long run. You can also enjoy experimenting with delicious and satisfying keto foods including the ingredients above!

Hopefully, you now have a good idea of which fats to eat on the keto diet, if you enjoyed reading this, you might want to check out this article The Facts On Fats

Suzie Walker - Keto Collective

Suzie Walker

Suzie Walker is a qualified Nutritional Therapist from the College of Naturopathic Nutrition London and co-founded The Keto Collective, a company that aims to make it easier for those following the keto way of eating to find whole food, great tasting, keto alternatives to their everyday favorites.

Suzie is a passionate believer in the power of the ketogenic diet and has researched the many health benefits of low-carb living.

Her goal is to bring keto to the masses and take it mainstream.